Eastman Building Movers - Services

Building Moving

Whether you need to move a barn, a commercial building, or a small or large home in Rhode Island, Massachusetts or Connecticut, Eastman Building Movers is your answer. We have experience moving a variety of buildings from beach homes that need to get away from the shore, to three story historical homes.


Historical Homes

Historical homes require special attention to preserve the integrity of the original building. Whether you need your historical building moved, or shored up, Eastman Building Movers will work with you to help you support and preserve the historical experience.



Does your home or building need to be raised above a water table, meet new regulations, or for a new foundation? Eastman Building Movers can safely and successfully raise your home so you can continue to live it for years to come.


Beach homes

Homes near the water (Especially in beach communities in RI, MA or CT) require special attention and have special needs. It's important for your beach home to not only meet current codes, but be safe from damage from impending storms. Whether you need to relocate your home away from the water, or raise it above the water level, Eastman Building Movers can help you from start to finish.

Shoring and Cribbing

Are you looking at doing some major structural renovations to your home or building, or do you want to save it from the danger of collapse? If your home or building is need of temporary supports while foundation or ground work is being done, Eastman Building movers can help you with your cribbing or shoring project. Eastman Building Movers can work with any structural engineer or general contractor to ensure your project goes smoothly and without damage to you home. 



Historical homes and old structures especially, may need help leveling floors or supporting sagging areas in the home. Contact Eastman Building Movers about your potential project. We can work with you directly, or with your structural engineer or general contractor to help ensure you home is safe, secure and as level as possible.




If you are in need of any excavation work, Eastman Building Movers can help. We can work with you through the entire scope of the project, as well as collaborate with your engineer, architect or contractor no matter what stage you're in.

Eastman Building Movers cribs and shores up a beach home in RI, MA anbd CT.